Saturday, December 3, 2011

Astro Boy "Birth"-day 2003 Kyoto - Atomo Tetsuan

I'm a fan of the original Astro Boy and the high-quality toys from the 1960s and 70s that were produced in Japan. Here's a few of the imported toys and graphics from 2003 when I went to Tokyo and Kyoto (the most beautiful city in the world) only to be surprised by the Nation-wide celebration of the original Manga and Anime character. Imported and recent toys for the original series and the 2009 movie.
Amplify’d from

Original Astro Boy toys

From the cartoon creator: Osamu Tezuka

The best toys from Japan are licensed directly from Tezuka Productions and available on eBay from domestic and foreign sellers with well-made, beautiful collectors items and rare toys from the 1960s and 70s.
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