"Walk into his modest Cape-style home and you'll find them everywhere. They hang in neatly framed displays on the walls of almost every room, and they meticulously sit in dust-free arrangements on pieces of furniture.
There are also about 5,000 of them jammed into large paper leaf collection bags in the basement.
And matchbooks aren't the only things Vigneault collects. The former Kom Tek Inc. employee has doll, baseball card, stamp, coin, magazine, die-cast car, movie memorabilia and other collections."
Matchbook cover gallery - matchbook collecting

There are also about 5,000 of them jammed into large paper leaf collection bags in the basement.
And matchbooks aren't the only things Vigneault collects. The former Kom Tek Inc. employee has doll, baseball card, stamp, coin, magazine, die-cast car, movie memorabilia and other collections."
Matchbook cover gallery - matchbook collecting